
Dental Hygiene - from baby to toddler years

  • By Rebecca Boyd

Baby toothbrush - Prince Lionheart

Seeing your little ones grow is so exciting, especially when you notice that first little tooth making itself known to the world! Looking after a baby's teeth doesn’t have to be complicated. There are a few simple steps that you can take to ensure that little gnashers stay healthy right through to their first dentist trip. 

 most babies start to get their first baby teeth between 4 and 7 months old. You’ll almost always see the bottom two front teeth pop through first, followed by the top two front teeth. Then the remaining incisors come next, followed by first molars, then canines, then second molars. Most kids have all 20 of their baby teeth by the time they’re almost 3 years old. Yep, that means your baby will be teething on and off for 2 full years, so get ready for a lot more drooling and fussiness. And, of course, you should be taking great care of those tiny pearly whites the entire time.


You can start helping with your children’s dental hygiene, even before teeth appear! Firstly, consider what kind baby formula you are going to use. Although the EU recommends that baby formula should have no more than 7.5g of sugar per 100ml, there are some brands that have 8.2g. To put this into context, a can of Fanta will have 4.6g of sugar per 100ml. Make sure you read the label on baby formula and find a brand that you are comfortable with and will look after baby’s gums. 

Experts advise that you never put them to bed with a bottle or use the nib as a dummy. Allowing milk to pool in baby’s mouth allows the sugars in the formula to begin to create a buildup of the bacteria that cause tooth decay on your baby’s gums. 


Did you know that you can start brushing before your baby even has teeth? If you want to prevent the build up of bacteria, you can start by wiping down your baby’s gums after they eat and before bed with a clean, moist washcloth. Wiping their gums gently twice a day helps to wash off the bacteria that can eventually cause tooth decay. 

When you see or feel that first little peek of tooth coming through, you can start using a soft baby toothbrush. If they’re teething, you might want to try a baby toothbrush to help them get used to handling a brush. You can get a teething toothbrush that is both gentle on the gums and in a fun toy-like shape to make the whole process more fun. You can even get a Banana shaped one! (Which you can buy from us on Amazon)


As they get older, kids love to be independent and brushing teeth can be a good place to start. A little step stool will help little ones to reach the sink, so they don’t have to ask for your help every time. Creating games around brushing teeth such as creating a story or singing a song will encourage kids to grab their toothbrush as it's no longer a chore. Of course you may face the stereotypical push back as they hit the terrible twos, but keep at it and the routine will become second nature soon enough. 

Parenting is messy and things may not always go to plan. Be it brushing teeth or toilet training, Prince Lionheart aims to create products that will help you along the way. Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see what we are up to and connect with other parents on their journey. 


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